Statistics list of default categories in Blogger by get json feed method

// <CDATA [
var posts = "/ feeds / posts / default? alt = json-in-script"; // Get the article data
var pages = "/ feeds / pages / default? Alt = json-in-script"; // Get static page data
var comments = "/ feeds / comments / default? Alt = json-in-script"; // Get the data commentators
$ .ajax ({
  url: posts or pages or comments ,
  type: "get"
  datatype "jsonp",
  success: function (data) {
    var blogfeed = data. Items in the list ;
    $ (' .class ') .html (blogfeed);

</ script>

- .class : self set for each item
- item in the list : get list in list corresponding to description
- display html: <span class = ' .class '> </ span>

postsfeed.id. $ tBlog IDtag: blogger.com, 1999: blog-670287149123457733
postsfeed.updated. $ tLatest updates2018-11-08T12: 04: 28.214 + 07: 00
postsdata.feed.link [2] .hrefBlog Urlhttps://www.vietblogdao.com/
postsfeed.title $ tBlog TitleFree Blogger - Blogspot Tutorial, Dexterity Windows
postsfeed.subtitle. $ tBlog DescriptionShare everything about Blogspot and Windows
postsfeed.author [0] .name. $ tAdmin nameFree blogger
postsfeed.author [0] .uri. $ tLink administrator profiles
postsfeed.author [0] .gd $ image.srcLink profile image administrator//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-iRVl7_i8as4/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAALqU/2NALP8jSsgc/s512-c/photo.jpg
postsfeed.openSearch $ totalResults. $ tTotal Posts241
pagesfeed.openSearch $ totalResults. $ tStatic page count9
commentsfeed.openSearch $ totalResults. $ tTotal comments581
postsfeed.category.lengthLabel Total (Label)11
postsfeed.category [i] .termLabel List
  1. blog
  2. fine-crystal
  3. thu-thuat-windows
  4. thu-thuat-blogspot
  5. thiet-ke-blogspot
  6. phan-mem
  7. windows-setup
  8. blogspot-seo
  9. tien-ich-blogspot
  10. sua-loi-windows
  11. blogger-template
postsfeed.entry [0] .link [4] .hrefLatest post urlhttps://www.vietblogdao.com/2018/11/cach-thiet-lap-nut-chia-se-bai-viet-len-twitter-hien-thi-day-du-noi-dung.html
postsfeed.entry [0] .title $ tLatest article titleHow to set up a Twitter share button to display full content
postsfeed.entry [0] .published. $ tPost date2018-11-08T11: 09: 00.000 + 07: 00
postsfeed.entry [0] .updated. $ tUpdate2018-11-08T12: 04: 28.202 + 07: 00
postsfeed.entry [0] .author [0] .name. $ tThe writer's nameFree blogger
postsfeed.entry [0] .author [0] .uri. $ tSpirit profiles authorshttps://plus.google.com/100425914480365587416
postsfeed.entry [0] .author [0] .gd $ image.srcLucid Profile Author//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-iRVl7_i8as4/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAALqU/2NALP8jSsgc/s512-c/photo.jpg
postsfeed.entry [0] .content. $ tcontentAll content in the post-body
postsfeed.entry [0] .media $ thumbnail.urlScrapbook articlehttps://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgYSndY176XwV7jFnrxqlffyFb3TSxSn3hWdUY3BRt3X5SNvVbvoK_seqbglCoum4jUIqSq0qt3tYJaeeInyOAsI4Usl2Ba0onU44u31BkRasey-x-zgARlYI0yM6K7ZcPHDf7VnqddUVFy/s72-c/twitter-card-validator.png
postsfeed.entry [0] .thr $ total. $ tNumber of comments0